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A case Study : Mobile learning at Keble Prep School

vlcsnap-2013-10-11-16h52m38s185Technology has always had a strong presence in the classroom at Keble School, a boys’ preparatory school in North London. Last year, with the help of iPad Academy, they introduced an iPad programme. This has led to some big changes in teaching and learning at Keble, from amazing student-led video projects to increased learning outside the classroom and a greater focus on project based learning. Keble staff and students use MediaCore to upload and share video from their iPads using the Capture app, including creating movie trailers for school events and class projects, which are then shared with other students and parents.

We’ve been inspired by what Keble are doing and worked with them to create this short video ( see link) to share their story and show how mobile technology and the use of video is changing the way that teaching and learning takes place at the school.

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Keble Prep

Keble Prep