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Author Archive: karen

Author Archives for karen

Mr Gill will be running a holiday club during the Easter break from Monday 27th March to Friday 7th April 2017. If you would like to find out more details go to the holiday club tab on the menu bar of the school portal or contact him direct on


Xavier has entered a competition. He has to design a template in 3D for a new sweet. If he wins, the prize is a 3D sweet printer. As you can imagine he is extremely motivated by this!  It is fantastic that he went out and found the competition and we all have our fingers crossed for him. He has written a few lines about it below.

I have entered a 3D designing competition. It is very hard as I am the only child entering. You have to design a gummy candy shape for a company called ‘Magic Candy’. They have the world’s first gummy sweet 3d printer. The designs have to be compatible with that, and those compatible designs are really hard to make!  If it is too thin or wobbly the jelly would collapse! So far I have entered: sad and happy face emoticons, a martian and a holly leaf( which is my best.)

Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 14.26.56Parents and pupils at Keble Prep were honoured to be part of the very first live broadcast of Keble Days; a live chat show from Keble Prep School.

Presenters, Toby Lee and Daniel Park, welcomed two very special guests, WPC Thorpe and Sally Symons, to be a part of this programme highlighting the important issue of road safety.

Through a mixture of live chat, poetry, songs and raps the audience were given all the information they needed to stay safe on the roads.

Special thanks goes to our sponsor Keble Prep for allowing this important subject to be brought to our attention

You will be able to see the video of the broadcast on the school video library in the next few days. Be sure to check it out.

We have all been excited by the arrival of our 3D printer. To get the most out of it the boys are learning to manipulate the software to create designs.
In the computing club, we have boys learning this software from Years 5-8 and quite a few of the boys are coming in in their own time at lunchtimes and breaktimes. Here is just a quick little video which shows a typical club session with boys working on various activities.
We can’t wait until they are all proficient with the software and the boys begin to print of prototype designs of their ideas.

Follow the link
Link to video

Keble raised £315

IMG_2924On Friday the 18th November the boys from the school council, led by Mrs D’Amato, had a cake sale to raise money for Children In Need. They raised a marvellous £315 and the school had a lovely morning break filled with lots of fun.

Thank you to the school council, Mrs D’Amato, all the parents who so kindly baked or bought cakes and all the boys,staff and parents who donated to such a worthy cause.IMG_2920

Rice Krispie Mountains

20161118_130456As part of our geography topic on Mountains, the Year 6 boys researched a mountain or mountain range of their choice to present to the class. Duygu delighted us all with his work on The Alps. Each of us was presented with a Rice Krispie Mont Blanc, labelled with some key information, which we read aloud. After which the only thing left to do was to eat all of Duygu’s hard work!


Anna Brace, Head of Geography

Screen Shot 2016-11-21 at 14.41.45On Tuesday Year 7 spent a cold, but fascinating day at The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford conducting geographical fieldwork. The site at Stratford was developed with sustainability in mind – that future generations would have access to the same resources and enjoyment of the environment as we do. Before work started on the Park in 2007, it was a brownfield site- with old factories, derelict homes and polluted soil and waterways. It was even home to an iconic eyesore-Fridge Mountain- a six metre high pile of discarded whitegoods, believed to be the largest in Europe.
In the lead-up to the Games, the site was cleared and the soil decontaminated. London’s largest park in 150 years was created with 15 acres of woodland and 6km of waterways cleaned. 18,000 jobs were also created, which led to the regeneration of Stratford as [...]

Changes to our Senior Trips in 2016-17

I am pleased to announced that the school has revamped its end of year residential trips.

 Year 5 will be heading to Kingswood Adventure Centre in West Runton, Norfolk on Wednesday 7th June returning on Friday 7th June.

 Year 6 will be heading to the Arete adventure centre in Snowdonia on Monday 5th June returning on Thursday 8th June.

 Year 7 will venture to France leaving on Sunday 11th June and returning on Friday 16th.

 Year 8 will embark on an adventure trip to the Sierra Le Guara region of Spain, leaving on Sunday 11th June and returning on Thursday 15th June.

We are looking forward to the new trips and hope the boys will enjoy them! More details about the trips will be posted in the parental login area under the trips tab.

Mr Gill

This term we have introduced a 3D printer into the ICT suite and it has created quite a buzz around the school. An important question for many, might be, why is this a good thing for our pupils?

One of the greatest  benefits of 3D printing is its versatility. It allows us to learn also about various different real life skills, from manufacturing, design and medical to engineering.Pupils can develop and test concepts and ideas in real-life. There is nothing more exciting for children than seeing their ideas come to life and  then to have the ability to make adjustments, enhancements and developments to those ideas. It  allows them to develop skills in 3D design, animation, science (properties of different materials), engineering, manufacturing, product innovation, product development all of which are valued skills in the new modern workplace.

3D printing  also requires real-world problem-solving or product enhancement skills, determining what needs to be made and [...]

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Keble Prep